Our support for the improvement journeys of award winning and respected industry leading performers, provides us with an insight into the multiple factors that drive performance. Not just at any given moment but over months, years or even decades. Over that timescale, markets change, people move on, new people join, technology advances. Change is the only constant.
That includes the impact of enablers such as the quality of learning and development, use of data, problem ownership and buy in to long term business goals.
At that heart of their improvement journey are three areas of capability:
TPM Centres of Excellence
Organisations that successfully deliver lasting improvement, invest time in creating Centres of Excellence by developing workforce capability to prevent the causes of failure, eliminate waste and improve workflow as part of the daily routine. The outcome of this process is front line "improvement pull" which provides a vehicle for local leaders to shape outlook and reinforce proactive behaviours.
Lean Maintenance
TPM Centres of Excellence deliver stable operation which releases maintenance time to apply Lean Maintenance tools to:
- Improve work routines to stabilise and extend component life,
- Remove waste and non value adding activities from maintenance routines,
- Enhance process effectiveness and release asset and advanced potential.
The outcome is increased capacity, reduced defects, improved material yield, lower energy cost per unit and improved resilience to shifts in demand.
Improving Capital Project Delivery
New products and services are part of modern manufacturing. Often involving the introduction of new assets and technology. Connecting the dots around people plant and processes brings out the importance of people in the mix of levers that impact on the return on investment of technology projects.
Find out more by clicking on the above headings
Benchmark Your Improvement Process
Use our self assessment diagnostic to benchmark your improvement process against industry leading organisations to identify the current status of your improvement process and how to accelerate progress.
How DAK Can Help
At the right time, we would be very happy to call and explain more about how DAK Consulting and DAK Academy can help you to apply this LeanTPM road map to unlock the potential of your operations. Contact us at or use the contact form.