The  (Lean) TPM Road Map

Combining the power of Lean and TPM within a structured change process delivers firstly stable and then optimised operational performance to ratchet up the full potential of Lean workflow and customer responsiveness.

Below are a series of short articles to explain how to combine Lean Thinking and TPM tools to Make Waste and Hidden Losses visible, Improve the flow of value and increase responsiveness to customer demand.

  • The (Lean) TPM Road Map

    The table below sets out transitions that organisation must navigate as they achieve stable operation to progress towards higher levels of Effectiveness.  

    For example once zero breakdowns are achieved, performance indicators based on mean time between failure become meaningless.  The achievement of stable operation also releases management and specialist time previously used to react to problems as they arose. 

    The TPM process anticipates such changes and supports the realignment of priorities and development of capability to progress to the next level. The benchmarks shown below are based on our work with well respected and award winning organisations that have progressed to industry leading performance.

    This is also the basis of our free Hidden Factory diagnostic.  It takes about 10 minutes to complete and will provide you with a insight into where you are on the journey and what it will take to accelerate the gains.

    The (Lean) TPM Road Map

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