Make TPM Lean and Digital Implementation
  • The Digitisation Roadmap

    The Digital Ecosystem provides a bridge between physical and virtual worlds.  This makes it easier to coordinate the people, processes and plant activities involved in manufacturing.  This impacts on:

    • Performance Drivers
      • Real time coordination of labour, material logistics and data provision where and when needed to improve productivity.
    • Cultural Drivers 
      • Enhanced data analysis and modelling of actual vs expected results to optimise current operations and provide the insight to improve future performance.
    • Routine administration tasks.
      • Automation of usage and performance reporting.

    As mentioned earlier, this is a journey not a destination. In part this is because to it takes time to develop new capabilities.  In addition to avoid data overload it takes time to find the 20% of information that gives 80% of the control. That involves using the new ecosystem to gain new insights about causal factors and learning how to move away from legacy rules of thumb and historically prudent ways of working.  Typically, this also highlights gaps in accountabilities and changes in key roles.  See article below.

    The first step involves a 3 day hands on training workshop involving cross functional personnel.  Suring the workshop they work in teams to apply  "Make TPM Lean and Digital" principles to selected live assets.  Through this they identify priorities for plant and workflow improvement based on the current shop floor reality.  That highlights where improved standards and data clean up activities can deliver the biggest gains.  They also identify where gaps in accountabilities need to be plugged. 

    The outputs from the workshop are used to mobilise a pilot programme to enhance plant and workflow standards and establish a the digital ecosystem for the pilot area. 

    This typically this involves the use of web based data analysis platforms which have the functionality to link up systems such as CMMS, SCADA, Forecasting, Order processing, Financials. That includes tools to simplify the clean up data, provide intelligent analysis and create charts to make the outputs easier to digest.

    This linked up data can then be used to automate routine workflows using low/no code applications provided by Microsoft or others as part of their standard packages.  That means goodbye to the spreadsheets developed to collate data from multiple sources.

    The use of low/no code applications also provides access to automated investigation cycles to support real time analysis of causal factors and confirmation of countermeasures.

    Again the use of TPM and Lean improvement frameworks for pilot and roll out cascades provide a framework to identify and test out how best to do this in a model areas first to create standards and training plans that support the transfer of lessons learned.

    Creating the Digital Backbone

    The approach used to link up traditional IT systems with web based platforms and applications is known as the Digital Backbone. 

    For example web based data analysis platforms are designed to combine data from traditional in house IT systems with trapped data (available but not easy to access), stranded data (only available locally) and data from plug and play smart sensors to provide data and analysis to support decision making and performance management.  

    What we are most interested in tracking is the comparison of actual performance against standards using rule based limits to trigger Notifications where conditions are not as expected or to provide feedback and analysis to support:

    • Planning
      • Micro planning of materials and resources based on real time activities
      • Condition based asset care planning
      • Dynamic scheduling /risk management
      • Skill matching
    • Fault finding and over the shoulder support.
    • Optimisation activities to reducing problem hot spots, process pain points and unplanned interventions

    The success of the digital ecosystem will depend not only on the technology but also on the skills and experience of individual users. 

    The lessons learned during the pilot programme are used to update the Operations Blueprint to reflect the insights gained and best practices developed.  

    In addition the outputs from the Pilot programme includes a phased Roll out cascade to manage the transition to the next Digitisation Roadmap milestone.

    Contact us to find out more about how we can help your organisation to implement Make TPM Lean and Digital.

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