Embrace the Digital World
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1. The Information Fog
Delays between what is happening and what is reported has resulted in different views of the current reality.
In addition, format and detail level of information are different to those in Operations, Commercial or Technology functions. The one size fits all approach to information flow, like any average number, gives a general indication of direction but doesn’t meet the needs of anyone.
In this information fog, to maintain control individual managers have resorted to work arounds.
This has resulted in a proliferation of spreadsheets and rogue systems to supplement information provided by the core IT systems
2. Closing the loop
At the heart of the dilemma are their Core IT systems. Despite utilising the latest integrated software, these are designed around a traditional top down command and control management approach. That results in a fragmented feedback loop involving up to 4 processes. What we want to happen, planning, execution and performance management. Its like driving in the fog whilst looking through the rear view mirror.
Digital CI (Continuous Improvement) is based on the practices of well known and award winning organisations. They have learned to systematically Close the Loop between the physical and digital worlds to capture lessons learned and speed up decision making. That delivers control without bureaucracy and as a result more of the routine management process can be delegated to users
3. Lifting the fog
Digital CI was developed from the findings of the World Economic Forum review into successful Industry 4.0 applications.
The Digital CI process expands the scope of Operational Excellence tools like Lean and TPM to include the selection and use of targeted digitisation to close the loop between the physical and virtual worlds.
With support from internal improvement leaders, and facilitators, problems are detected and dealt with when they are small. These activities also increase productivity and quality performance through closer collaboration across the end to end process.
4. Our support
Our Digital CI support plan will be developed to meet your specific needs
This can cover
Leadership programme design
- to guide the development of practical ideas and delivery of investment in time and resources.
Improvement team coaching
- to enable systematic improvement of plant, processes and people by local improvement leaders and facilitators
Execution and hands on support
- to increase operational effectiveness and develop high performance team capabilities
5. The outcome
The outcomes of improved connectivity and interaction builds on existing core IT systems to:
- Create slick systems that meet the complex needs of users across the organisation.
- Allow more of the routine tasks to be handled by the front line team. That puts responsibility for the solution close to the problem.
- Free up management and specialist time to deal with more complex problems such as meeting the challenge of new products, services and technology. Releasing them to manage the future rather than react to past results.